Complementary Products
Not every existing production system has a control with free capacity or the possibility of controlling additional components.
We can still offer solutions here by looking for or generating a usable interface in order to control all the required functions via an adapter control.
Years of experience in the field of switch cabinet construction, knowledge of ultrasound technology and, above all, in your industry, lead to a practical result.
In addition to standard sonotrodes, we can cater to the needs of your application.
Typical modifications are geometry deviations, special materials, hard material or non-stick coatings.
At our location in Oberhausen, the sonotrodes are designed, calculated, manufactured and tested in the technical center. Longstanding partners carry out special heat treatments and coatings for us.
Cutting wheels and cutting segments
Very high-quality materials, low tolerances, hardnesses matched to the sonotrodes and defined cutting contours are the basis for high cutting quality and service life.
An extensive stock program and the possibility of hard machining generate a high level of availability and the
flexibility to deal with the unforeseen.